How To Brew CBD Tea

Sep 22nd 2020

How To Brew CBD Tea


Just like every other CBD product in the market, the use of CBD tea is becoming more popular among people. Its excellent taste, coupled with the vast array of potential benefits, makes it an invaluable addition to the home and office. Every cup of CBD tea is refreshing and often infused with cinnamon and lemon for a relaxing, relieving, and flavorful experience.

CBD tea possesses some potential relieving properties which may assist users in dealing with pain and anxiety. It is often called hemp tea and is brewed from CBD or hemp flower. In this article, we shall take a look at the simple steps on how to brew CBD tea and how the addition of milk and fat may bring out the cannabinoids.

How to brew CBD tea?

Making CBD tea requires ingredients like CBD tea bag, hot water, honey or sweetener, cinnamon stick, lemon peel (for flavor), and splash cream to taste. The process is quite simple and easy to follow. All you need to brew one of the best CBD teas includes the following;

  1. Add the honey, cinnamon stick and lemon twist in a mug
  2. Add the CBD tea bag and fill it with water. Allow to steep for 3 to 5 minutes or as recommended by the CBD company. Most CBT tea bags come with a suggested brewing time and water measurement for optimum benefits.
  3. Remove the teabag and splash and add a splash of cream to taste
  4. Stir and serve.

It is, however, pertinent to note that the ingredients may vary from the recipe, and CBD tea bags come in different strengths. Most CBD companies always recommend that you add fat or milk to your CBD tea because it aids in the transportation of CBD with a higher solubility and bioavailability. The fat or milk serves as an excellent transport medium for CBD and other fat-based molecules.

Are there types of CBD Tea?

As stated earlier, CBD tea comes with a blend of ingredients, which makes the user experience wonderful. Most of these ingredients include herbs, spices like turmeric, mint, ginger, chamomile, and true teas. Some manufacturers may decide to add an actual hemp plant extract to the teabag, which serves to give the CBD tea a noticeable cannabis fragrance. It is important to note that CBD used in tea bags must be water-soluble to offer maximum benefits to the users. The strength of CBD teas is measured in milligrams (mg). The strength varies from one company to the other.


If you want to experience the best effects of CBD tea, we suggest you settle for full-spectrum CBD teas made from industrial hemp. This will guarantee a water-soluble and effective CBD tea. Please make sure you start your CBD tea journey with the lowest dosage and increase it with time.

Don't forget to contact us if you have questions about CBD tea and its potential benefits in the body. We will love to hear from you soon.